วันอังคารที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Spatial Perception : Sacared and Profane

If any sacred is be the higest and can't do any mean on

so why we still surround by profanation ?

Tee-ju-eear :
Chinese traditional shrine which housing spirit one , who got it in their home should offer and worship by tea and oranges every morning for praying that they will got more income , good health and good luck because Chinese believe that there's got a sacred or an spirit living in .

next time later , they let's it become like this

a useless one ..

or spirit absolutely gone ?

maybe they were known that the spirit gone and there're mean nothing for them anymore , so left them away might be the best way to do but if the spirit still living in , how do they know ?

as same as Thai's ,the traditional shrine one.

there's still using in this age but now is the digital age ,the traditional style could change follow the times. Can you imaging that if you got your building one , whatever modern style or consturction one and you put a traditional shine in fornt of your building there will be competely contrast one. There's the reason why a modern shrine was occur. that's all in terms of design but interm of function one, how do the designer know that an ancient spirit will prefer modern style than the traditional one ?

will they got any confuse ? or dislike it ?

we were teaching that when we design something , there should be appropriate for character and habit of usage as much as possible .

Which anyone told that there's all be sacred ? why they do not concern about it

did they do any profane on their design ? and moreover that did I do any profane to mention on ?

วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

empty form


"architecture is fixed but housing inside could be anything"

Deep in the heart of the Dominican Republic lies an unusual bookstore, aptly named Selexyz Dominicanen. It is housed in Maastricht, in the bowels of an ancient church which was constructed in 1294. Since it’s interruption as a church (Napoleon invaded Maastricht in 1794 and forced the loyal parishioners out of the country), this beautiful church has seen use as a parish, warehouse, and most notably (and creatively), a large parking lot for bicycles.
The renovations, which took months to complete, were led by
architecture firm Merkx + Girod, and include massive black steel bookshelves that are so high, to reach the top books, one must use a lift or the cleverly manufactured staircase that was built right in. And this church boasts the same comforts as any bookstore — a small cafe (now nestled in the church choir) and tables so one could pursue books — so it’s a wonder why if one lives in Maastricht, you’d shop anywhere else.

from above image there's an ancient church which was constructed in 1294. but for now there's changing to be a bookstore and a small cafe inside by still conserve existing architecture but the space inside , the housing one could bu change to anything depent on time

because we all do not know what's the architecture could be in 10 - 20 years later , today there's a bookstore and a cafe in place of space of church , there might be a casino or a large swimming pool in the future .

for my idea , an empty form is a functional space , which can do anything ,anytime for anyone . there's no matter for the existing one, an architecture even if the inside was changed ,changing and going to change as well . As I alreadt said that no one know what's going to be in the future like 20 - 40 years later

but if we design a pure form one for support any activities that wil be happen there that means we will success in an empty form , in my opinion there might called "fullness form" instead of empty form because there's functional space to support even if the architecture still fixed as well .

another function that could be is let's it be whatever will be ..will be..

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553


I'm not really understanding why everyone needs to come to Bangkok, no matter there are cause of study or finding some jobs ,most people seems proudly with "BANGKOK" there might because Bangkok be the capital of Thailand ,but capital is not means the best of everything. In my opinion ,
ก รุ ง เ ท พ = ก ร ง (cage) เ ท พ

the cage one, the city that people cage theirself in every term, we all surrounding by cage that we believe there're safe. The city that people incarcerated deeply into folly thing ,arrogance that we are urbanity .We are losting and be misguided that we're already prosperously. Even technology lead the world or computer’s age ,Bangkok still be the same language ,the context of Bangkok never change, till language of Bangkok be attractiveness for everyone who need to come. So , there’s one question what’s the first idea if you thinking about Bangkok ?

I did not prefer to looks at the dark side but the dark side always be true.

for example about Thai's belief
The lucky number : Numerology enters the digital age
What's good luck ? a lucky number was be one of all representation of luck such as triple9 or 999999 likes most of numbers in daily life should got nine because 9 is very popular number that represent "luck",do not insultingly even present day is digital age or not , Thais still believe in the luck.

another idea is a Shrine, spirit house when we heard "spirit house”
Our imagination will be the traditional house one for an old man and angel who lives in and do not insultingly as well .There's also be the representation that everyone have seen before but according to nowadays is digital age.

there's a changing time ,representation of shrine is changed follow the modern trend. everybody got their own reason, there’s absolutely not insulting because only the design ,representation one that was change but the language is still.

That made me realized something that if I change only cover one , I means representation one ,so language and context is still be that means do not insultingly ?. Because for each person got different representation of the imagination of the same thing. its seem a bit contradiction about the belief and the outcome.For the spirit inside, the old man and angel,they might feel unfamiliar with the new design one

So, according to the modern shrine above that language is still be even the cover is new one, if I use the same theory bring into another thais belief “nang kwak” : the beckoning lady brings business and love .Also everyone got their own representation of “nang kwak”

As you can see, Japanese use cats instead of “nang kwak” for brings a lot of income into their shop so, There will be no matter if I change the representation one
So , all this the reason why I wonder is follow that we were teaching ,we have to got question all the time and be necessary to find any reason to support that what where when why and how ? there're the way we usually doing and ever thought it always right.

There’s all about belief got both reason and no reason to support ,the thing that we assume as it mean everything , it’s might be nothing at all .There’s occur for content and hold on in the correct way, the reason is no meaning is sometimes.

MS.Nina Yoo 50200314