Metropolis is a silent science fiction movie created by the famed Austrian-German director Fritz Lang.

The movie is about the future that human was divided into 2 groups,the workers , labours , who's works for achieve goals but have no any vision as a machine that do only works and anothe one is the thinkerwho got all vision , made all plan but know nothing how to works as labour. for the left photo , show 24-hours and ten-hour clocks in Fredersen's office.
as the scene that Ferder works instead of Georgy because Freder wants to save at least this one worker from his sad fate. He changes clothes with him and takes over at Georgy’s machine. He tells Georgy to go to Josaphat’s apartment and to wait for him there. On the way there, Georgy succumbs to the temptations of Metropolis. He finds money in the pockets of Freder’s clothing and does not go to Josaphat’s apartment, but to the Yoshiwara. Metropolis was poduced in 1927 and told us about the city in the future , so that looks similar as some film that i was watched , Manufactor Landscapes where's people working as a robot one perhaps, even time is changed but inferior and superior still be.
From the movie and related it to Modernism
Anti - historicism - attempts not to look back on the past, not repeating the old styles materials - about material , there's industrial style. Form follows function - Aesthetic comes out of how successfully the product works. New Materials.Plastics ,glass, concrete, aluminium, new technology for steel.
 Le Corbusier "Plan Voisin" 1927everyone being equal - having their own space. (Not built)
one of modernism , placed in an orthogonal street grid and park-like green space. |