How technology shape your perception ?
no one could deny that they can living without technology in nowadays , even if i were try to do it once time there can not be absolutely uesless but i can do only used in less. how we can do like that in digital age as present time ?
 for example ; 8 years ago the most poppular one is nokia 3310 , anyone who got it ,he's so cool mann , in that time the prices is about 8,000 bath or more but next 3 years later nokia 3310 is gone and you can buy it only 2,000 bath and the new one is coming more and more until now blackberry the most popular one , the cell phone which not be only cell phone , the cell phone that completely do everything that you need
as Seneca: said " Whatever begins, also ends."
How technology related to designer as us ?

for now most of designer used tools or program to create their design instead of hand drawing,there seems like the design was happen follow tools , there's curved because the program got a curve line tool then they curve,a lot of designer gave their reason that because there's convenience and easier than sketching ,it can delete,edit,copy,paste and can do a lot in the same time as hand drawing .A lot of company decided about new employee from skills,3ds max,skecth up , nice rendering be required. absolutely agree that because we are all in digital age and everyone should follow the trend to avoid to be an ancient or and outmoded one.
so , next is the suggestion about one day that show how technology effect to our live..
 in the morning you woke up by a noisy clock you have to take a bath right now you open lighing switch and shower a hot water from heater because that day was so cold then you are looking at a digital watch which showing that you're quiet late then you're driving your car to the university during the time ,your cell phone is ringing your friend tell you that teacher going to check your name in a minute , you have no choice because you are on the way that got a traffic jam so you can do only relaxing yourself by listening music from dvd player then half hour later you're sitting in lecture room now where teacher is lecture all student by a PDF file in his computer passing a projector , you're not really care anymore then you open your laptop and rendering your design project in 3d program and turn your blackberry volume down.. drive the world..
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